Monday, December 31, 2007
Don't blame beer for that belly!
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Ladies and gentlemen, meet the PlayStation 3 Kid
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3 Very Cool Color-Changing Household Items (w/pics)
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Can You Recognize a Terrorist? (PIC)
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Cop Tasers Himself
Copper gets a taste of the zapper gun on himself. It almost looks like the other cop trips him at the end. Sweet sweet justice.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Ron Paul Does Not Accept Evolution
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How Not to Interview John Cusack
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Classic SNL Japanese Game Show Sketch
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Canabis and sex
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Top 10 Worst Realtor Headshots
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Skinny Girl Owned By Desert Eagle
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The Dancing Weather Girl
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The Cloud Factory (PIC)
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Cute Girls Sing Awesome Song About Digg
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The World’s Loneliest Prada Store (PICS)
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The Gay-est Sports Ad of the Year !
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Top 10 Humorous, Bizarre and Compelling [PICS] of 2007
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
It is ILLEGAL for animals to have SEX in PUBLIC [SFW]
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My picks for the biggest assholes of 2007 by Bill Maher
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Super High Me Teaser
Teaser for Doug Benson's super anticipated documentary Super High Me, a documentary where he smokes pot for 30 days and then doesn't for 30 days...woah man! Should be amazing.
Plush Jesus comes with WWID (What Would I DO?) Bracelet
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Mixed Messages: a shop dropping intervention
Mixed Messages is a shop dropping intervention that critiques absurd and manipulative advertising language by re-labeling products in supermarkets and stores
Angry Gradpa Ruins Christmas
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
Al Gore Couldn't Get Through to New Yorkers (it seems)
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Traffic jam mystery solved by mathematicians
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Man Surfs the Biggest Wave You May Ever See on Earth
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How to Buy Your Own Private Island [COOL!]
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How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors
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Hollow Earth: The Weirdest Theory on the Planet [w/PICS]
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How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors
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Ron Paul Owns Neil Cavuto
Ron Paul is side swiped with a question of campaign donations. Ron Paul hits back!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Zen of Shaving: How a Razor Can Change Your Life
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European Team of Astronomers Say Gliese 581 May be Habitable
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Britney's 16 year old sister Jaime Lynn is pregnant
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Some guy confronts two Hollywood cops parked illegally
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Awesome dorm room door
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12 Reasons Why You Should Have Sex Tonight
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Homer Simpson takes a photo of himself everyday for 39 years
"PICTURE A DAY FOR 39 YEARS." Homer Simpson mimics Noah's photo time lapse. From "The Simpsons," episode 19x09 which aired December 16, 2007.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
travis barker dj am birthday show club pure las vegas 4 of 6
travis barker dj am birthday show club pure las vegas 4 of 6
Friday, December 14, 2007
Kramer animated rap video
Yeah, I know it's a little late for Kramer stuff. This is a funny-ass video
Blaxploitation 2008
Murder caught on tape
Thursday, December 13, 2007
18 Christmas trees you probably won't see at Grandma's
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South Koreans Clone Cats that Glow in the Dark
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Jessica Alba's Pregnant - Men Look for Someone New
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Angry Thai Women Lead the World in Penis Slashings
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Crank That Kosha Boy
The video is well produced, and its a joy to watch. That said, the jokes in it are really inside jokes for Jews I think - cause I didn't think it was funny.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Nolan Ryan Fight
What in the hell was Robin Ventura thinking? If you charge the mound and beat the crap out of him, you’ve successfully beaten up a man twice your age, who’s a baseball legend. If you lose, well, you get this…
Jose Canseco Homer Off of Head
I’ve studied the bible, the Koran, The Torah, but this clip right here is what convinced me that there is a God.
Gary Neville 2-0 v Croatia
Here’s why this makes the list. If you came from outer space and had never seen or heard of the human race, and you saw this video, you’d still be like “Dude. Females will cease to procreate with that life form after whatever it is that just occurred.”
Jim Marshall runs the wrong way
During a 1964 game against the 49ers, Jim Marshall recovers a fumble only to run to the wrong end zone and score a safety for the 49ers. The Vikings won the game 27-22, and the player who fumbled was Billy Kilmer, who eventually went on to quarterback the Washington Redskins to a Super Bowl.
Stars at Oilers - Patrik Stefan Blows It 01/04/07
Not only does he miss an open net to win the game, everyone is so surprised by his miss that the other team easily scores with 4 seconds left in regulation. On the embarrassing scale, that ranks right up there with “Not being able to get it up for a prostitute who’s actually an undercover NBC reporter taping a special.”
Personal details get revealed in the wrong IM window (NSFW)
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Jessica Simpson ready to strip naked for Hollywood
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National Geographic - One Of The Best Picture Of The Year
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From The Programmer's Mouth: How The 2000 Election Was Fixed
Clinton E. Curtis, ex-programmer tells all during a Congressional hearing on voting fraud. In October 2000, Curtis was asked by Tom Feeney (R), then Speaker of the House in Florida, to write a computer program that would render electronic voting fraud undetectable. Curtis did just that.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Most Kick A$$ RV You'll Ever See... Period
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Make Your Car Moan Like Jenna
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Let's Paint,Exercise and Blend w/a Burlesque Dancer
John Kilduff has thrown down the gauntlet on cardio-multitasking. Running on a treadmill, while painting a post-contemporary portrait, while taking calls from viewers at home, while blending fruit drinks! Not to mention deflecting the wildly insulting commentary from the audience with grace under fire. Oh, and he’s entertaining Miss Bonnie Delight, a burlesque dancer. It’s like a seven-minute-long Andy Warhol party.
Japanese Workout: I was robbed by two men
Call them crazy all you want, but Asians are master multitaskers. Here you not only learn English, but you also learn how to avoid being raped by jihadist muggers. Plus, you learn basic aerobics, which is important because a mugging is no excuse for unshapely hips and thighs. It makes you wonder how America will ever compete with such a high dedication to efficiency. Until you watch...
Japanese Workout: I was robbed by two men
Call them crazy all you want, but Asians are master multitaskers. Here you not only learn English, but you also learn how to avoid being raped by jihadist muggers. Plus, you learn basic aerobics, which is important because a mugging is no excuse for unshapely hips and thighs. It makes you wonder how America will ever compete with such a high dedication to efficiency. Until you watch...
Funny Workout
She looks like a cat hocking up a fur ball while taking a shit. And that’s putting it politely. But imagine the ramifications if she’s right about this method of weight loss? High school girls everywhere would be hock, hock, hocking their way to trimmer waist lines and tighter asses. It could kill an entire fetish. Unless you’re into the cat thing.
Butt Workout
This clip proves that the number one problem in America isn’t obesity. It’s stupidity. Think about it: 67,000 people have watched this video. That’s 67,000 people who can’t find real porn on the Internet.
Poodle Exercise with Humans
I had to watch this four times to convince myself that I wasn’t suffering from an acid flashback. This is the kind of strange, futuristic world Stephen King dreamt up: People are turning into poodles. One vaguely racial personal trainer has resisted the metamorphosis, and it is her job, and hers alone, to keep the other poodles in shape. The fate of the world depends on it. Only King’s version would be 800 words long and less terrifying.
McCain has lost touch with reality.
CNN: Military Sources Respond To McCain's Escalation Remark With 'Laughter Down The Line'
Yesterday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told radio host Bill Bennett that President Bush's escalation is working. "There are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today," he said. Today, when CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked McCain why Americans still aren't able to safely leave the Green Zone in Iraq, the senator replied that Blitzer was giving three-month-old talking points:
General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed humvee. I think you oughta catch up. You are giving the old line of three months ago. I understand it. We certainly don't get it through the filter of some of the media.
But according to CNN reporter Michael Ware, who has been in Iraq for four years, McCain is "way off base." He stated, "To suggest that there's any neighborhood in this city where an American can walk freely is beyond ludicrous. I'd love Sen. McCain to tell me where that neighborhood is and he and I can go for a stroll."
Ware also rebutted McCain's assertion that Petaeus travels in an unarmed humvee: "[I]n the hour since Sen. McCain's said this, I've spoken to military sources and there was laughter down the line. I mean, certainly the general travels in a humvee. There's multiple humvees around it, heavily armed." Watch it:
What if taglines were honest?
Apple: You think you need it, we know you just want it.
Panasonic: Didn’t you mean to buy Sony?
Ikea: One day you’ll be able to afford real furniture.
Hummer: Get the attention you’ve always craved. While filling up the gas tank again.
Taco Bell: You’re drunk and we’re still open.
Zipcar: So convenient that you’ll ignore the high rates AND the dog hair.
Southwest Airlines: On your marks, get set, find a seat!
UHaul: We don’t guarantee availability because we can get away with it.
PopTarts: Until you realize how disgusting they are, we’ll keep making them.
Ben and Jerry’s: Whoah, dude, did you eat that whole thing?
Krispy Kreme: Less filling, just as fattening.
McDonalds: Always a good idea. Until afterwards.
Starbucks: Long lines, high prices and the best legal high available.
Really Lucky Go Cart Accident
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Friday, December 7, 2007
A History Of Snowboarding in 2 Minutes
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The Ultimate Collection of Unflattering Hillary Clinton Pics
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
25 Skills Every Man Should Know
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How to Make Exercise More Fun Than Sex
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Best Windows Error Ever May Rip Time-Space Continuum
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Perfect Lego Costume Allows Man to Get Drunk to Pieces
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The Most Expensive Photographs Ever Sold
Here are the photos that have won the five highest bids when put on the block.
Of course, we’re not saying that one of your photographs could be worth this much… but then again, who knows?
1. Andreas Gursky’s “99 Cent II Diptych”
The first photograph to sell for more than $3 million, Andreas Gurky’s 99 cent II, Diptych reached $3,340,456 at a Sotheby’s auction in London, February 2007. This was the third time the photograph had sold for more than $2 million. Another print of the same image was sold for $2.25 million in May, 2006, and yet another print had reached $2.48 million just six months later.
Interestingly, the record-breaking photograph was sold not at a photography auction, but at a sale of contemporary art. That might suggest that how an artwork is sold plays an important role in defining how much it can sell for.
2. Edward Steichen’s “The Pond-Moonlight”
Just missing the $3 million mark, and for a while the world’s highest-selling photograph, Edward Steichen’s “The Pond - Moonlight” was sold for $2,928,000 at Sotheby’s in New York in February, 2006.
The picture shows moonlight between trees and reflecting on a pond, and appears to be in color. However, color photography did not begin until 1907, three years after the photograph was taken.
Steichen used layers of light-sensitive gum to create an impression of color. Only three prints exist, with the other two in museum collections.
One way to create an expensive photo then could be to use a unique process, keep it rare… and wait a hundred years.
3. Richard Prince’s “Anonymous (Cowboy)”
Richard Prince’s photograph of a cowboy was perhaps an odd choice as the first photograph to reach a million dollars at auction. It sold for $1,248,000 at Christie’s in New York in November 2005.
The photograph, which was taken in 1989, wasn’t original but a shot of part of a Marlboro ad. Prince had started shooting images of magazine ads while collating press clips for Time Life in the 1970s.
The only other image, other than the proof in the possession of the artist, is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Subject matter and rarity count it seems.
4. Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey’s “Athènes, T[emple] de J[upiter] olympien pris de l’est”
It’s a little easier to understand the appeal — and the price — of French photographer Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey’s image of the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter in Athens, which was sold at Christie’s in London for $922,488 in 2003.
Shot in 1842, the daguerreotype is believed to be the oldest image of the temple still existing.
It makes you wonder what the first photograph of the iPhone might be worth in 150 years…
5. Gustave Le Gray’s “The Great Wave, Sete”
Sometimes a combination of the rarity an old image brings and a striking subject matter can be enough to create a high price. For Gustave Le Gray, it created a picture that sold for $838,000 at Sotheby’s in London in 1999.
Le Gray’s image marked the first time that a photographer had managed to expose landscape and sky correctly in the same image. He did this by creating one negative for the sky and one for the sea, and printing them together on the same sheet of paper. In effect, he created a collage.
It’s an easy technique for a modern photographer to emulate but try doing it without a digital camera, Photoshop… and from a glass negative.
Before you start sorting through your archive to pull out better images than these, bear in mind that the value of a photograph at auction depends on all sorts of factors that go beyond the quality of the image. These might include the state of the stock market, the fame of the artist, the number of prints, when the print was made and the restrictions imposed on the negative.
Creating a million dollar photo often requires a lot more than getting the shot right.
See what’s now on the block at Sotheby’s photography auctions here, and Christie’s here, and tell us what you think of the price of photographic art.
30 Miserable Lives Lost In Greyhound Bus Crash
ALBANY, NY—In one of the most merciful disasters in recent years, a Greyhound bus traveling from Rochester to Albany, NY skidded into a ditch Tuesday, putting dozens of deadbeat fathers, penniless addicts, and worthless high school dropouts finally out of their misery.
According to Greyhound officials, the fatal crash occurred less than an hour after passengers gathered their pathetic belongings and dragged what little hope they had left onto the despair-soaked bus. Emergency crews called to the scene described the remains of the victims as "slightly more lifeless than they were before the accident."
"This is by far the saddest thing I've ever witnessed," said head rescue worker Charles Rabnett, referring to the sea of fast-food wrappers, losing lottery tickets, and scorched corpses that littered the crash site. "We've done our best to contact family members and loved ones, but so far we've only been able to reach four parole officers and 10 AA sponsors."
Added Rabnett: "Dear God, what a terrible waste of my time."
While officials are still not sure what happened aboard the Albany-bound bus, a number of theories have been posited, including icy roads, low visibility due to fog, and the likelihood that the driver, Ron Jenkins, fell asleep at the wheel after spending a restless night consumed by his failures as a husband.
Police investigators also suspect that the cause of the accident may have been as simple as "these luckless bastards getting shit on by the world one last time."
Rescue workers were visibly sickened by the number of hamburger wrappers and soda bottles strewn about the bus.
"Dental records have helped identify only two-thirds of the casualties, as the remaining 10 passengers were discovered to have none of their original teeth left," Albany police chief Henry Goodwin said. "Among those, one is believed to have been a recently disowned teenage mother, the other an elderly widow forced to pawn her favorite necklace in order to purchase a bus ticket, and what appears to be the hollow shells of several middle-aged men."
No survivors were reported following the accident. In addition, initial surveillance of the wreckage seems to indicate that those who managed to pull their world-weary bodies out of the overturned bus, gave up on their wretched existence within minutes. According to paramedics, it is likely that many of the casualties had suffered during the crash, and, if not then, for years earlier.
"Thank heavens nobody made it," said chief paramedic John Thurston, who described the "disturbing smell" at the scene as a combination of gasoline, body odor, Aqua Velva, and relentless disappointment. "For a second there, I was worried I'd actually have to interact with some of these people."
In response to the relative tragedy, Greyhound has agreed to donate $200 worth of rolled quarters and greasy, crumpled dollar bills they had collected as bus fare to a local charity. The casualties of the crash will also be memorialized with a small commemorative plaque that will hang at the Albany station, between an out-of-order vending machine and a set of bathrooms where customers can often be heard weeping.
"It's hard to believe that something like this could even happen," said Albany resident Carl Robinson, who, since losing his home to a fire earlier this month, has been sleeping in the city's dilapidated bus station. "To know that life, no matter how dreadful or hopeless, always has a chance of coming to an end—it's so inspiring."
As of press time, hundreds of men and women had gathered at the site of the fatal accident to mourn the loss of a perfectly good bus.Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Toddler Fools art World with Ketchup Masterpieces [PICS]
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I Have Feelings, Too. (pic - had to!)
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[ESSAY] 2 Girls 1 Cup
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Spiral galaxy M81 - sharpest image ever taken
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