Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tommy Chong drinks the FOX News bongwater

Tommy has been busier than a high-school dope peddler of late, making the rounds of the cable news talk shows. They’re presumably looking for an easy target in a stoned old hippie, but Chong is no pushover… in fact, with his simple truth-telling and laid-back snark, he shows these American flag pin-wearing phonies for what they are: mediocre newstertainment.In this recent vid, Tommy appears on FOX News’ ‘Your World’ show to talk about immigration with the painfully smug Bush apologist Neil Cavuto, who doesn’t quite know how to react to Chong’s repeated assertion that President Bush is a “moron.” Best moment: Tommy’s reaction to Cavuto saying with a straight face that Bush “is overseeing one of the strongest economies this nation has ever had.”In this recent vid, Tommy appears on FOX News' 'Your World' show to talk about immigration with the painfully smug Bush apologist Neil Cavuto, who doesn't quite know how to react to Chong’s repeated assertion that President Bush is a "moron." Best moment: Tommy's reaction to Cavuto saying with a straight face that Bush...

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