Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Canada Prime Minister Jean Chrétien grabs Clennett's throat

Cretien had balls... took that pussy protester and threw his ass down!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Unmotivational Posters (some NSFW)

A selected collection of a twist on those motivational posters, with a focus on the ladies...(although the emo kid raging in mom's minivan is precious)

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The Scientific method Vs. The Creationist method (PIC)

This explains quite a bit.

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Artist dangling horizontally out of a skyscraper

Dangling horizontally out of a skyscraper, this hovering figure looks set to fall to his doom. But this 'jumper' hasn't just lost it all on a game of chance - this is performance art with a difference.

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Angry Kid Playing Chess

very very angry kid... playing chess while preparing to kill opponent.

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Is there a legal right to be obese?

In an overwhelmingly overweight nation that worships thinness, many describe prejudice against the obese as one of the last socially acceptable biases. Advocates for the plus-sized, particularly activists in the "fat acceptance" movement, want obesity to become a category legally protected against discrimination, like religion, race, age and...

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Best and Funniest Valedictorian Speech Ever

Funniest Valedictorian Speech Ever - Watch more free videos

Monday, April 28, 2008

IF MEN WROTE Advice Columns

Q: My husband wants a threesome with my best friend and me.

A: Obviously your husband cannot get
enough of you! Knowing that there is
only one of you he can only settle for
the next best thing, your best friend.
Far from being an issue, this can only
bring you closer together. Why not get
some of your old college roommates
involved too? If you are still
apprehensive, maybe you should
let him be with your friends without
you. If you're still not sure then just
perform oral sex on him and cook him a
nice meal while you think about it.

Q: My husband continually asks me to perform oral sex on him.

A: Do it. Semen can help you lose weight
and gives a great glow to your skin.
Interestingly, men know this. His offer
to allow you to perform oral sex on him
is totally selfless. This shows he loves
you. The best thing to do is to thank
him by performing it twice a day: then
cook him a nice meal.

Q: My husband has too many nights out with the boys.

A: This is perfectly natural behavior
and it should be encouraged. The man
is a hunter and he needs to prove his
prowess with other men. A night out
chasing young single girls is great
stress relief and can foster a more
peaceful and relaxing home. Remember,
nothing can rekindle your relationship
better than the man being away for a
day or two (it's great time to clean
the house too!) Just look at how
emotional and happy he is when he
returns to his stable home. The best
thing to do when he returns home is
for you and your best friend to perform
oral sex on him. Then cook him a nice

Q: My husband doesn't know where my clitoris is.

A: Your clitoris is of no concern to
your husband. If you must mess with it
do it in your own time or ask your best
friend to help. You may wish to videotape
yourself while doing this, and present it
to your husband as a birthday gift.
To ease your selfish guilt, perform oral
sex on him and cook him a delicious meal.

Q: My husband is uninterested in foreplay.

A: You are a bad person for bringing it
up and should seek sensitivity training.
Foreplay to man is very stressful and time
consuming. Sex should be available to your
husband on demand with no pesky requests for
foreplay. What this means is that you do
not love your man as much as you should.
He should never have to work to get you
in the mood. Stop being so
selfish! Perhaps you can make it up to
him by performing oral sex on him and
cooking him a nice meal.

Q: My husband always has an orgasm
then rolls over and goes to sleep
without giving me one.

A: I'm not sure I understand the
problem. Perhaps you've forgotten
to cook him a nice meal

Why New York City's Iconic Pizza Is So Tough to Replicate

A New Yorker enlists Mario Batali and a team of scientists to determine why San Francisco pizza sucks.

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Honest College Ad

If only your school had been so straightforward.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

She Has A Boyfriend

What single guys need to understand about "I have a boyfriend"

She Has A Boyfriend - Watch more free videos

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cute Kittens Bop Their Head

A bunch of really cute kitties bopping their cute heads to the beat.

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How to Spot a Rich Guy

This is it... the secret of how to spot a rich guy... Hint: it has something to do with the lady on his arm.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

An Atlas of the Human Body (Never Seen PICS)

With all layers of the skin removed on the left side of the head and neck, the dissection displays the blood vessels and nerves of the scalp, almost all of which come from the periphery. Things you already have But never saw them.

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That's What She Said [The Office style]

This joke will never get old. It always get me satisfied and smiling :)(Various clips from Seasons 2, 3, & 4)

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Elevator Video, Journeys, April 21st Issue, 2008

Dude, you've gone too far.

Way over pimped ride.

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FOX News: "Obama is so liberal, he's anti-American"

OX’s objective is clear: carpet bomb Barack Obama with negative stories, distortions, and smears before the Pennsylvania primary in an attempt to skew the outcome toward the Republicans’ preferred adversary, Hillary Clinton. But did FOX imagine that the “liberal” media would be such willing accomplices?

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Troops' body Parts May Be Regrown Using Stem Cells

THE Pentagon is joining with universities and hospitals in $US250 million ($267m) research to discover how to help wounded soldiers regenerate skin, muscle and even limbs from their own stem cells.

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The Fox Fur Nebula from CFHT

This interstellar beast is formed of cosmic dust and gas interacting with the energetic light and winds from hot young stars.

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Last Request: Please Don't Smoke

Powerful last message

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Death Star Wedding Cake - Future Grounds for Divorce

"I just got back from a wedding where the groom had a Death Star groom's Cake."

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Boy gets butter knife stuck in head

Meet the boy who didn’t duck. Luckily, the butter knife that became lodged in his head did not pierce skull...

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Marked for Death: Steven Seagal Triple-Kills A Man

Simply the best kill Steven Seagal ever made.

Taken from the HK VCD (though I believe it's the same as the american version), the UK version is cut.

Best Death Scene Ever

Handicapped people are faster? [PIC]

Great pictures that clearly shows that handicapped (disabled) people are much much faster then regular people. Is that true.....?

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Skater eats a Glass Door

Some kid grinds his way into a glass door

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Forget Hamsters: Pygmy Hedgehogs Are Cuter! [PICS]

They are small and prickly and are the very latest must-have pets. Would-be owners are will happily wait up to a year and will travel any distance to get their hands on an African pygmy hedgehog. The cute pets are a quarter of the size of a normal hedgehog and are fully domesticated and don't carry diseases or fleas.

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World Population to Hit 6,666,666,666 in May

To many people, this means nothing. But of course 666 refers to the Beast in the Bible. Heaven knows what ten sixes means.

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Kid vs. Mom. Kid: 0, Mom: 2

It seems that the continuing battle between parents and kids over game time is alive and well. For your consideration: a 13-year-old boy in Virginia decided that it was a good idea to break the family vacuum cleaner in order to get out of his chores around the house and play video games. Not so fast whippersnapper. It looks like your mo...

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Who says cats have bad grammar?

stereotypes are bad...

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Linux + Hot Naked Chick = AWESOME!!!! (NSFW)

i did say naked right?

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Kids are So Cute! Even if they say the "F" Word // Pic

Its cute when kids say fuck, shit, balls, cocksucker.... ok, thats enough.

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Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Contest Winning Wave (Video)

Shane Dorian has taken the XXL $50,000 prize after riding the heaviest wave in the annual Global Big Wave awards. Mike Parsons broke the world record for the biggest wave 70-foot, his prize: $15,000.

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Steven Seagal is Cock Puncher

The critics are raving about this new action packed thriller. Steven Seagal is Cock Puncher in the new movie that is taking over the box office by storm.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

History's 7 most astounding Sexual Resumes

The most frequently asked question among Cracked readers has to be, "Is it possible I'm having too much sex?" Fortunately, some have made history by letting us know just how much sex is possible, seemingly dedicated to testing the very upper limits of human humping.

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It’s Official: Bush Is The Most Hated President In History

Congratulations to George W. Bush and the Republican Party for another historic milestone set by the Great Leader: ...

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Historic Mountain top Pic du Midi Observatory

Dreamlike view looking south from the historic mountain top Pic du Midi Observatory combines moonlit domes, a winter night sky, and the snowy peaks of the French Pyrenees.

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Tricia Walsh Smith

We're the YouTube Generation, living in the YouTube Era, in a YouTube World. And now we apparently have a YouTube Divorce.

In a tearful and furious YouTube video with close to 150,000 hits to date, former actress and playwright ("Bonkers") Tricia Walsh-Smith lashes out against her husband, Philip Smith, president of the Shubert Organization, the largest theater owner on Broadway.

Pole Dancing Cat Fight

"Quick, tell the police to send oil and scented candles immediately!"

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Parent of a Dead Child? We CAN Clone Him!

A new form of cloning has been developed that is easier to carry out than the technique used to create Dolly the sheep, raising fears that it may one day be used on human embryos to produce "designer" babies.

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Snowflakes In The Universal Sky

Like cascading snowflakes in the interstellar night, the strange shapes and textures of the stars in the Snowflake Cluster abound in the Cone Nebula. These patterns result from the tumultuous unrest that accompanies the formation of the open cluster of stars known as NGC 2264.

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Salt and Pepper [close-up photo]

Image of a peppercorn and a grain of salt! Super duper fancy electronic microscope image of a salt and pepper ball. Very cool!

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7 Year Old Girl Takes Six Bullets to Save Mother's Life

Seliethia Parker always saw her role as protector for her 7-year-old daughter, Alexis Goggins. But it was Alexis who ended up saving her mother's life by using her little body to shield her mom from a fusillade of bullets. Doctors told Parker that her heroic little daughter, who was shot six times, would never walk or talk again.

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Dear Dumb Ass (An 11 year olds note to Geek Squad)

The image explains it all......

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Graffiti Artist Banksy Creates His Biggest Work in London

Banksy pulled off an audacious stunt to produce what is believed to be his biggest work yet in central London.The secretive graffiti artist managed to erect three storeys of scaffolding behind a security fence despite being watched by a CCTV camera. Then, during darkness and hidden behind a sheet of polythene, he painted this comment on Big Brother

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Scale model of Scrooge McDuck's money bin [PICS]

This is a model that someone created of schrooge McDucks money pit! Self explanatory, but you must see to believe...

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Man Survives 1,500-Ft. Drop Down Mt. St. Helens

An experienced snowmobiler, John Slemp, 52, of Damascus, Ore., miraculously survived a 1,500-foot plummet into the crater of Mt. St. Helens. He is the first person ever to fall into the crater.

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Discovering Porn (On Your Boyfriend’s Computer)

A girl finds porn while searching on her BFs computer. Read as she makes some shocking discoveries! "I was innocently looking for Christmas present ideas on his computer. Literally, I was typing in “fireplace tools” in Google."

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Sears Ad from 1988 is Selling 'Legend of Zelda' for $37.99

Are you ready for a time warp to the 80s!

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I Can’t Even Begin To Imagine The Pain (PIC)

Is that a smile of relief?

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Make A Donation To The "RIGHT THING"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Keep Your Pussy Off The Keyboard

Pet lovers may make something out of this latest pet-related offering, designed to keep kitty away from your technology but still close to hand.

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newstopia: US electoral system explained

The hard truth about how the US election process works.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sweet hypocrisy

Ouch... very true.

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Funny. I would order this.

Self Image

From Aardman's 'Creature Comforts'. Across the U.S. hundreds of ordinary Americans were asked, "How happy are you with the way you look?" This is what they had to say...

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Vanilla Ice - Ninja Rap (Good Quality!)

Higher quality verson of Ninja Rap video, Vanilla Ice. Music video from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 movie back in '91. Needs much more exposure, so here it is. Yes, there's a lower quality one on YouTube already, but it's terribly bad quality, so I thought I'd post this higher-quality version

Friday, April 4, 2008

6 Races That Make Marathons Look Wimpy

I’m currently training for a marathon. When I start to think, “This is stupid...” I don’t stop and remind myself why I’m trying to run a 26.2-mile race. I prefer to comfort myself with “Yeah, but it’s nowhere near as crazy as...” and then fill in a truly absurd feat of human endurance that makes 26.2 miles look positively meager.

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Pregnant man: "people may try to kill my baby" [PICS]

Amazing pictures of pregnant man as he tells Oprah 'people may try to kill my baby'.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher

Big surprise! High on Mount Sinai, Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the Ten Commandments, an Israeli researcher claimed in a study published this week.

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Daft Punk Girls

Probably the hottest thing on the internet right now. A fantastic dance routine. Starts slow but gets to Awesome. The song is Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk.

Daft Punk - Harder Bodies Faster Stronger(DRUNK)

Remember the Daft Bodies video from a while back where two girls in bikni danced to the sound of daft punk? Get ready for the drunk version

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Truck Crash Head On Edmonton

This happened March 31st 2008 in Edmonton It is beleived he crashed because of diabetes

Here's what I think of these dresses!

Cutest thing I've seen all day

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Fractal Broccoflower [Pic]

very cool pic.

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1943 Guide to Hiring Women

The following is an excerpt from Transportation Magazine - July, 1943

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Rare Photos of a Space Shuttle Being Assembled [PICS]

For all you NASA geeks out there (like me!), here's how they actually do this....

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Greatest Bush Speech Ever!

YES, The Greatest Bush Speech Ever!

Music and Life - Alan Watts

Some deep shit....

Humans were final cause of woolly mammoth extinction

Woolly mammoths first appeared in Eurasia around 300,000 years ago. They died out around 5,000 years ago, long after the end of the last Ice Age. Humans would have only had to kill one mammoth each every three years to push the species to extinction according to estimates.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

9/11 Conspiracy Theories 'Ridiculous,' Al Qaeda Says

Truthers vs. Al Qaeda on who’s responsible for 9/11

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Portraits of People Taken Before and After They Died [PICS]

This sombre series of portraits taken of people before and after they had died is a challenging and poignant study. The work by German photographer Walter Schels and his partner Beate Lakotta, who recorded revealing interviews with the subjects in their final days, reveals much about dying - and living

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Killer polar bear? I'm just a big teddy, really!

It was a chance encounter that could have ended with flying fur and bloodshed in the snow. Wildlife photographer Norbert Rosing was taking pictures of a team of huskies in Canada's frozen north when a polar bear gatecrashed the party...

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Dissing the Deep: Fishing Freaky Fish [PICS]

Poking fun at dozens of underwater uglies.

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